Crystal Clear | Cleansing + Purification Spray

✩ These spiritual waters are a great smoke-free cleansing alternative! Made with moon water, witch hazel, essential oils, and crystals to banish negativity and bring in positive vibes
✩ Can be used as a room spray, body spray, to cleanse your witchy tools, freshen up linens or clothing, & much more!
✩ Comes in a 4oz spray bottle. Keep in a cool, dark, and dry place to keep fresh.
✩ Disclaimer: We are required by law to state that these items are sold as curio only. Products at Over the Moon Magic are made to be used with the buyers intention and we do not guarantee any results. They are not a replacement for professional medical or legal advice.
✩ Preform a small patch test if using on skin for allergy purposes. Avoid direct contact with eyes & mouth. Not edible, do not ingest.