Intuition Herb Blend

✩ A blend of some of my favorite herbs to use in divination spellwork. Made with intentions for psychic awareness, intuition, divination, cleansing tarot decks, and charging divination tools.
✩ There's so many ways to use these herb blends, You can add them to spell jars and charm bags. Burn them over a charcoal disk as a loose incense. Add to a carrier oil to create an anointing oil. Dress candles. Charge your jewelry and crystals. And so much more! (NOT EDIBLE. Do not ingest or use in food or drinks)
✩ Disclaimer: We are required by law to state that these items are sold as curio only. Products sold at Over the Moon Magic are made to be used with the buyers intention and we do not guarantee any results. They are not a replacement for professional medical or legal advice.